Matt Zaun
The Story Strategist

The Story
12 years ago, my boss asked me to give a talk that I ended up bombing. After this disastrous experience, I remember running out to my car, slamming the door, grabbing the steering wheel, and yelling, "THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!"
From there, I studied the great orators of our time, and I ended up becoming a political speechwriter for dozens of politicians.
I took what I learned in the political messaging world (and applied it to business), and I've worked with hundreds of companies to turn their stories into powerful messages.
I’ve been able to do all of this through an easy-to-follow framework.
One that you can implement for yourself.
If I, someone who was once terrible at communication, could show powerful politicians how to be inspirational and business leaders how to persuade through strategic storytelling, imagine what you could do with these concepts!
If you take the strategies that I teach and inject them into your organization, there is no telling what kind of impact you will have.
Want to implement the framework so it can work for you?
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