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1 thing I learned while touring Mark Twain's house...

Last week, I shared my Powerfully Persuade Through Storytelling workshop with business leaders in Connecticut.

I had to stop by the house of one of the best storytellers America has ever known.

While there I saw something firsthand that many people talk about but don’t make it part of their routine...

Mark Twain practiced being creative.

Every night, he’d get his three daughters together, and they'd have him tell them a story, but not just any story.

Each story, always a romance, had to begin with an oil painting of a cat wearing an Elizabethan ruff and end with a watercolor portrait they called “Emmeline,” which hung above Twain’s bookshelf.

Plus, there were 15 obscure objects standing between these paintings.

The girls required their father to include both pictures and all the items in his story.

He was not allowed to bring other things from the room into his tale.

This forced him to think creatively and it had a profound impact on his writing.

In business, we often talk about innovating for our customers, but we rarely talk about internal creativity.

...and creativity is paramount to generating new ideas for our company.

1 thing I learned while touring Mark Twain's house...

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