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A couple of years ago, I made a goal of going to every presidential museum.

So far, I've been to:

-George Washington 
-Thomas Jefferson
-James Buchanan
-Abraham Lincoln 
-Rutherford B. Hayes
-Warren G. Harding
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
-Lyndon B. Johnson
-Richard Nixon
-Jimmy Carter
-Ronald Reagan
-George H. W. Bush
-George W. Bush 

Each one fascinates me because they're all steeped in interesting stories and history. 

You learn about the President's mistakes and victories. 

Today is the birthday of George H. W. Bush, and I found his museum quite interesting. *pictures attached. 

Bush lost two huge elections. Both of these losses might have crippled others, but Bush used the experiences to push harder. 

Whether you loved or hated him, I would still recommend going to his museum; you’ll find it very, very interesting. 

P.S. I’m wearing a jacket in the picture because when I went in January, it was cold. 

P.P.S. Next one I'm going to is Woodrow Wilson’s place.

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