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A couple of years ago, I made a goal of going to every presidential museum.

So far, I've been to...

-George Washington 
-Thomas Jefferson
-James Buchanan
-Abraham Lincoln 
-Rutherford B. Hayes
-Woodrow Wilson
-Warren G. Harding
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
-Lyndon B. Johnson
-Richard Nixon
-Jimmy Carter
-Ronald Reagan
-George H. W. Bush
-George W. Bush


Each one fascinates me because they're all steeped in interesting stories and history. 

You learn about the President's mistakes and victories. 

Today is George W. Bush's birthday, and I found his library quite interesting because it had a "situation room."

In the room, you're the President, and you get hit with all kinds of crazy scenarios and have minutes to decide how you will react. 

-How would you handle 9/11?
-How would you handle Katrina?
-How would you handle tension in the Middle East?

After you pick your scenario, you get to see what the results of your decision would bring. 

Though I would handle situations much differently than many of our former Presidents, it was interesting to see. 

Regardless, I'm glad I'm not President of the United States, and I'm just President of my company. 😎

P.S. Since it's W's birthday, I'm sharing my favorite picture I took in his museum. This image was from the 9/11 memorial section, and the exhibit did a great job detailing all the events of September 11th.

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