A few years ago, I had the...
...honor and privilege of speaking to Jewish business leaders in Chicago.
They asked me to come in to process their family stories with them.
I crisscrossed the area, speaking to 60 leaders in the Windy City.
I heard some of the most incredible struggle/victory stories from these men and women I’ve ever heard.
It was truly emotional learning what some of their family members went through under Nazi oppression in Europe and then coming to the United States.
After my talks, I got a unique tour of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, which is one of the largest Holocaust Museums on the planet (right after Israel and D.C).
I will never forget this experience. After a week of processing with these leaders, hearing what some people did to their families, and then touring the Holocaust Museum, I felt ill, and I remember crying in my car after it was all over.
How can some people treat human beings like animals?
How could this possibly happen?
How can we keep this from NEVER happening again?!
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Please light a candle for the 6 million.
This isn’t just a number.
It’s millions of lives, millions of stories, and millions of deaths.
Why light a candle today?
On January 27th, 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated.
This is a day to remember. This is a time in history to NEVER forget.
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