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Big life lesson for my son.

Wearing my Blockbuster shirt, and my son (Roman) asked, “what’s that, Dad?”

I explain to him that years ago, we would drive to a store and pull videos from a shelf to watch.  

Then I told him that the gentleman who started Netflix flew to Blockbuster’s headquarters and offered to sell his business to them for 50 million dollars. 

Blockbuster laughed at him. 

I told Roman that Netflix is worth billions today.

Roman said, “that was dumb - they shouldn’t have laughed.”

I told Roman that just because people laugh at you, it doesn’t mean you don’t have value. 

Know your worth, and do what you're passionate about!

P.S. One of the reasons the Netflix team grew was they were masterful at telling stories.

P.P.S If you want story ideas, check out my 150+ storytelling prompts for free here |



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