I had a boss several years ago tell our department...
... “if you're early, you're on time; if you're on time, you're late, and if you're late, you're an abomination.”
Then he had children. 🤣
His perspective changed real quick.
The archaic 9-5 clock-in, clock-out idea is not good business.
When I led a team, I told my staff, “I don't care what time you start work, and I don't care what time you leave; heck, I don't even care if you take a 3-hour lunch break, as long as your work is getting done, do whatever else you want.”
I learned the importance of flexibility in business from my mother. She was incredible about getting things done at untraditional times during her day.
You know what happened due to this value with my team?
They came to work early and left late.
They gave me twice as much as I asked from them since I gave them extreme flexibility.
Hire the right people, empower them, and they’ll move mountains for you.
Stop treating human beings like robots!
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