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In order for YOU to stand out in today's world (filled with noise), YOU will need to share a ton of content.

Here's what I promise YOU...

👉 YOU will offend people; it's inevitable
👉 Not everyone will relate to what YOU share
👉 YOU will question if you should continue to share your ideas

Here is my encouragement to YOU, do NOT stop posting content just because some people don't like what YOU post.

In the last few years, I've received some hate mail. These people are not my target market.

Does it sting when people try to tear me apart verbally? Not anymore.

I've learned it's all part of the process.

I've gained more business from posting on Linkedin than you'd probably believe.

If YOU haven't received hate mail yet, you’re either not posting enough, or your content is stale.

YOU've got to go through the haters to get to people that need YOU!

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