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One of my mentors...

...Dan Koval, is always reminding me to not only work hard but to play hard, too! 

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the go, go, go that we forget to slow down and actually enjoy life.

This week was awesome! I conducted 2 strategic storytelling workshops in the Bay area for some incredible business leaders. (By the way, if you haven't booked me for a workshop yet, you're seriously missing out on closing more sales. Just saying.)

After the talks, I took Dan’s advice and had some fun. San Fran did not disappoint!

I got to check out:

➡️ The Golden Gate Bridge
➡️ Lombard Street
➡️ PIER 39

It was the perfect mix of work and play for me, and I’m so grateful for the reminder to enjoy the journey.

Take  Dan Koval’s advice and live a little this weekend. 

What’s one thing you’ll be doing to have fun?

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