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Part 3 | How LinkedIn Can Work for You | Stories With Traction Podcast


SERIES: This podcast episode is a part of a LinkedIn series with Dan Mott on the Stories With Traction Podcast.  In these episodes, Dan Mott and Matt Zaun will talk about the WHY, the WHAT, and the HOW regarding LinkedIn. By utilizing the concepts shared, you can radically enhance your sales and marketing. Enjoy these episodes!

SUMMARY: In this episode, Dan Mott and Matt Zaun talk about HOW you can get maximum results on LinkedIn.

Before you listen to this episode, check out the WHY episode here |

And check out the WHAT episode here |

DAN MOTT BIO: Dan Mott is the founder of SIX3MEDIA, and he is a LinkedIn Social Selling Strategist.  Dan helps people turn content into followers and fans into customers.

If you want to radically boost your sales, check out his course here | https://bit.ly/3BQ0oIW
Follow Dan Mott on LinkedIn to see his insights on the power of LI | https://bit.ly/36MJ38x

MATT ZAUN BIO: Matt is an award-winning speaker and storyteller who empowers organizations to attract more clients through the art of strategic storytelling. Matt’s past engagements have catalyzed radical sales increases for over 300 organizations that range from financial institutions to the health and wellness industry.

Matt shares his expertise in persuasion with executives, sales professionals, and entrepreneurs, who he coaches on the art of influence and how to leverage this for profits and impact.

For more info, check out Matt Zaun here:


*Below is an AI-generated transcript, which may contain errors

I'm excited because for everyone listening that has been listening the last few weeks, we've touched on LinkedIn strategy with Dan Mott. We talked about the why. We talked about the what. Now we're going to jump into the how, how to actually pull this off. So for those of you who did not listen to the first two episodes highly recommend you pause this episode and you go listen to the why regarding LinkedIn with admont and then you go listen to the watch, because this episode right now is going to make a heck of a lot more sense to you. So let's dive into the how. So I'm joined again by Dan Lott LinkedIn specialist, LinkedIn strategist, someone who has brought in a good chunk of business for me over the years based on the strategies he's taught me regarding LinkedIn, and we're gonna dive into the how welcome back Damn,
thanks, man. I'm ready to go for round three.
Sweet Awesome, thank
you so much. The exciting stuff to this is like the real tactical like nitty gritty of the strategy like actually applying it. This is where this is where it starts to get fun.
This is what you live for. Isn't it? Like you're like you're stretching your mister strategy to a tee. It's kind of it's kind of crazy the amount of strategy you put into stuff, but I guess not really because it's paying off for you and big dividends. So it's totally strategize
OCD. What is heavily fueled by my OCD? It's
awesome. I love it. I love it. Awesome. So for everyone tracking with us you've heard the other episodes again, highly recommend you pause this one and go check out the other two but we are coming off of the one episode where we dove into the importance of understanding your audience profile, content engagement, and your prospect and how you're pulling all of that together. So now let's dive into the how how does this even happen? So obviously we don't have visuals to give listeners because a lot of people like to listen to these podcasts in their cars or at the gym. But I we you taught me something several months ago Dan, that was really impactful where you are talking about once you find your ICP your ideal client persona, which I highly recommend and I challenge everyone listening to do that. Who is your target market? Who is your audience? Even if once you do know
it, go sit down and do the homework because there's always more to learn. It's crazy.
Okay, well, we can explore it. Yeah, let's explore that and a moment for sure. I really appreciate you mentioned that. Once you do that, or once you think you have it, how are you building out that spreadsheet that you had talked about because you sharing that concept with me? was amazing. Like literally now I have all of this stuff structured with who I'm going to target for different things regarding the future prospects that I'm going to look to have as clients in the next year. So can you touch on that so touch touch a little bit more about identifying the ICP, even if people think that they know it, what that means but what you meant by your comment, but also how can people structure this in a spreadsheet form?
Yeah, so I think that, you know, going into actually applying this and we can maybe back it up in a second to kind of talk a little bit more through the steps but really kind of at the end of the day. You need a repeatable system because when you have a repeatable system, it produces predictable results. So if you know that right, like working backwards from your goal, if whatever whatever your sales goals are, when that's revenue that's that's the number of clients signed. I mean, those are the ones that I care about the most maybe you have other goals, but whatever your goals are, right document them know exactly what they are because in order for you to achieve them, you know how you have to know how you're progressing towards them, what's working for you, what's not working for you What's holding you back, so you can get rid of the things that are not working and you can double down on the things that are working. And all of that comes from your ability to track metrics, and to simply view them in a dashboard. I literally created my own because like there's no like one tool that does it all, for me at least that I found personally for my business. But when you have a dashboard and you know exactly the health of your pipeline at any given time, the activities that you need to do to produce results and how they're contributing to actual like Time, time and dollars spent into dollars out. That's how you you have full control over a predictable repeatable system that will generate you revenue, right? Like I could go shut this business down right now and I'm gonna start a business tomorrow. Follow this exact system and start making money immediately like because I have that system in place that that is driving revenue for me.
I love what you said, having a repeatable system leads to predictable results. And this is where numbers come in. Right. So obviously business is very relationship driven. There's so much to be said. about connecting with people and building sound business relationships. However, with that said, once you figure out a system and you say hey, if I do X y&z I put input this I'm gonna get this as a result. So for everyone listening, let's let's say this let's throw in an example because I think this this example, people are going to even if they're not in this industry, they could relate to this because and also this is this can be an aggressive industry. Okay, so just see the difference between hustling doing work that might not yield results, and then seeing the difference with what you're saying, Damn, an insurance agent. So an insurance agent, whether it is a smaller agency or whether it's a massive company, but they're still pretty much out of the realm and almost being like solopreneurs, if you will, they have a little bit of a structure, but they need to rely upon the payment trying to bring in business if they need let's say, for simplistic math, they need 10 new clients at a certain timeframe. Now they can backtrack, saying if I need these 10 clients, what do I need to do on LinkedIn to produce those 10 clients? So based on what you you're talking about, you have the time they've identified their ideal client personas. So the people that are within the ballpark of possibilities regarding buying into their insurance, their insurance that they're selling. Now they can backtrack and say alright, in order to do that, I need this amount of content. I need this amount of engagement. I need to set this amount of conversations up so and again, I really hope that you can speak to at least at least the nuts and bolts of setting this up regarding that spreadsheet that you had you talked about. But have you really backtrack with your clients regarding numbers on if you put this in, you're going to actually have this outcome this is what you should have this would this is what the predictable result should be.
Yeah, I understand. So and it doesn't like I can't tell you that right off the bat. Because if you're working with me, then you don't have those metrics for me to be able to tell you so surely what you would do is and like the thing that stands out to me, right, okay, I need 10 clients within this period of time. So that's 10 clients this month. 10 clients this year, every business is different. Whatever it is, right. I need 10 clients and it needs to happen within a certain timeframe. So we work backwards from that we say, Okay, awesome. We need to get 10 clients, how are we actually going to do that? Well, in order to sign clients, I need to have sales conversations, right? So I need to know all right, well, how many of the client have any of the potential clients how many of the leads that I speak to actually turn into clients? And chances are, you're not going to know that off the top of your head until you actually start tracking this data and know okay, this is what my close ratio is. That's how you start to figure that out. Okay. So say we do some work, we start working together, right? And you figure out my close ratio is 50%, which is really good by the way but it makes the math simpler. So if you want to sign 10 clients at a 50% close ratio, then you know that you need to have 20 conversations, because if 50% Half of those conversations are actually going to turn into sign clients. So you say okay, awesome, I need to have I need to have conversations with 20 leads. Okay, well, I need to book calls in order for that to happen. How many leads how many DMS? Do I need? How many different people don't have to have conversations within the DMS of LinkedIn to actually book calls and know what your booking rate is? So say again, if that's 50% you're going to double that number again. So you're gonna say, Okay, well, I need 20 calls that are going to convert into 10 clients, I'm going to need 40 I'm going to need 40 leads on LinkedIn in order to convert that so so you continue to work backwards and backwards, right? And you can continue to work up up up the chain. From there, you can say Alright, well, in order to start that many conversations, I need to figure out where my conversations are. Actually, and this is where it starts to get more complicated, because you can say, all right, well, I'm getting 10% of my conversations from started from comments right now and I'm getting another 10% from profile views and I'm getting another 10 Right, so you start to really kind of get complicated here, but you need to know overall Okay, well, where are those conversations coming from? That is from me producing content. And that is from me engaging with my network. So you really need to kind of start there, right? You have an idea of how you're how you're going to map out your conversion towards throughout your funnel. But you really just need to get started because that's how you actually figure out what those numbers convert to and how you're actually going to find success. So you really need to kind of like work backwards and do the math at the same time. You're that you're starting at the top of just creating engaging, just get out there, create, engage, create, engage, start conversations. So when you do that, you kind of like you're meeting in the middle, you're figuring out okay, I'm producing content. I'm doing it three times a week. I'm doing it five times a week. I'm doing it seven times a week. I'm doing it 14 times a week. Probably shouldn't go over that because that's a lot of content for LinkedIn. But you start to see how many views Am I getting right? How many views on my content? Am I getting on a I measure it on a weekly basis? So every Monday I go in and I start to track how many views that I get on my content over the past week? Because that's how I know that 1.15% of my content views turned into my profile views. When people actually go to my profile. That's when they're going to start a conversation or they that is how I'm going to move them from a profile view or from a commenter from a connection request to an actual conversation, qualifying that conversation into a lead. Now I have my 40 leads now I have my 20 calls and now I have my 10 clients.
So these these structures, this system actually builds habits and people to lead them to that predict or predictable result that you're talking about. So in the instance the example of an insurance agent, they want to have 10 new clients, whatever it is, whether it's we're just doing this for the sake of the example a month, a quarter or a year, whatever it is, they're going to need to backtrack and say I need to do this many discovery calls but I need to do this many messages to lead to discovery calls. And then I need to do this amount of content to lead to engagement and the likes to start getting in people's DMS or direct messages in order to do this. So there's this whole domino effect this whole system that people set up and that's why it's so important to build this habit because you're not going to see the turnaround from the start of that on that day. But once you build this, you are going to start to see regular predictable results again and again and again based on work you're doing right now. So for instance, me personally, I took what you said then I set up a spreadsheet. And on this spreadsheet, I've identified 50 people that I want and the next year as clients Okay, now I recognize I'm not going to get them that day. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to engage with their content, engage with their content, engage with our content, and then I'm going to take it to a message and then from there based on the the art of casual conversations that you had mentioned, I highly recommend people check out that episode that we did months ago. Just go check that one out with with Dan as well. I'm going to talk to them in their messages, start that conversation and see if it leads to a discovery call. And then from there, it's going to it's going to progressively lead to a client and for me personally, I've recognized if I do a certain amount of content and a certain amount of messages in a given year that the predictable result is this amount of workshops that I'm going to book and I know it almost to a tee I can tell you right now, the amount of workshops I'm going to have next year based on what Dan's talking about based on the system that Dan recommends setting up. So I want people to recognize, listen, this you can do this for any industry. You just have to backtrack and figure it out. Here's what you want. What do you need to do in order to have that happen? So what are some things that people need to be cognizant of Dan, while they're setting the system up to regarding and talk to us a little bit about the mechanics and the details that need to go into building this system out? Yeah, so
I mean, the first part is actually ready. Like you're kind of multitasking here. We're kind of trying to figure out the math and we're trying to figure out our calculations and our conversions. At the same time, we're actually have to physically put pen to paper, we have to do the work to act that actually generates results. That's taking action. So that's at the very start. It's going to be creating content engaging with your network. You need to do that because without it, nothing else is going to happen. From there you need to start to figure out okay, well how do I how do I pay, I'm creating content, I'm engaging, how do I actually start conversations from there? How do I highlight right, like we talked about in the last episode, how to identify those, those soft hand raises and how do I you know, how do I figure out like, okay, you know, this this person engaged in my content, this person viewed my profile, this person took this action, whatever it might be. I serve that as my sign to now go qualify them go check out their profile, and then message them. I've now soft qualified them in terms of their demographics, I know what their title is, I know their geography, I know their etcetera, etcetera. I knew that they're a good fit for me. But there's the intangibles that I still need to qualify out but that comes in conversation. So once I get someone to, once I know that someone's actually a qualified lead by asking the right questions by knowing that there is actually and for me, it's it's either a need a challenge or an interest. So when someone says like, Hey, I'm really interested in your services, or I really want to know more about what you do that to me is interest, right? When someone says, Well, you know, I really need more leads or I need to produce content that gets me more results or I need this or I need that right and they don't have to specifically say the word need, but to me I can identify that as a need. That it to me as a soft indicator of of how I might be able to help them. But the most impactful thing that someone can do is admit a challenge to them. Because when they admit a challenge to me when they're admitting a challenge to themselves to themselves, hey, I really need help finding clients. I'm sure my business is struggling I need more I need to generate more revenue or I might go out of business right like when you when you admit to me that you have a challenge you're admitting it to yourself and you're much more likely to see value in in my services in me actually being able to help you achieve and overcome your challenges. So to me when someone admits that they have a need and interest a need or a challenge that to me has been like like my qualification is complete. I could probably start start tracking leads earlier than this but this is what we're this is what like it's all about finding balance, right? Like I don't want to put in too much work and have to track all these metrics. I'm going to wait until someone actually admits any in interest need or challenge to me and then I'm going to start to track them. I put them into and I just simply use Google Sheet that I've built. I'm going to record their name. I'm going to record the date that I've identified them. And I'm also going to identify the source that they came from. So this is where I start to break down. Okay, well, they commented on my post and then I reached out to them right, so I'm going to put the sources comment. Maybe they came from a referral, maybe they came from like, Matt, if I go and engage on your posts, and I started a conversation with someone else who's engaging on your post, I refer that to that as a tribe post or someone who's in my tribe or someone who has a similar audience to me and someone that I can that like we share networks and we share like there's a lot that we collaborate there on so when I like that, to me is a tribe post or someone views a profile right? So I'm tracking all of this and I and I, like here I have 12345678 So Common Profile View tribe post message connection request collaboration, referral, or email. Those are my lead sources. Those are really the like there's there's other places that have come but those are the bulk eight of where my leads come from, from the activities that I do. So when I identify a lead because they have admitted to me that they have an interest, a challenge or a need. I'm now going to track them on my I'm going to add them to my lead list. So now I know the date that identified them as a lead I know what their name is, I know the source and maybe there's details right because if I if it's tried post, like I want to know that specifically a Mac it came from you. So then that way I can go back and re like I'm setting myself up now to go back in the future to go look at all the right like where am i these sources where my best results coming from all this stuff. We want to know that we want to save this stuff for later. So it's important to set us ourselves up for success now, so track all the information. So great. I've identified them as a lead and I'm just going to continue to have a conversation with them. Maybe they don't respond to me and they go cold. So tomorrow three days from now I go back into my tracker and I can actually sort through these to see who's still an active lead versus a like a dead lead. And they can either go cold by hey the timings not right for me or they're not responsive. They admit that they're not interested or or I just think that they're not a great i disqualify them and maybe thought they were qualified but then realize that they're not later on. So so I'm either that or they actually book a call with me right? Like they're no longer an active lead because I've either moved them to a yes or no. If they're in the kind of like the maybe I'm still actively tracking them and I'm going to continue to follow up with them until I get either a yes or no from them whether it be definitively or passively. So now I know exactly who my active. My active pipeline is who I can actually follow up with who I have active conversations with that I can attempt to book calls with or maybe that they're not like I have really good example, right? Like I've tried to book a call with someone the other day, and they didn't respond to me. So what I did was I sent them a follow up message. And instead of trying to book a call with them, because I saw I can see that they read my message I see that they took no action against it. So what I did was I offered up a secondary call to action. I offered them my free guide as a right because that's a lot easier than hopping on a call with me and he immediately responded to that message to tell me like, hey, yeah, and I literally wrote down what he wrote, I'm still in that honing stage where I'm figuring out where I want to focus in on and on who so he still doesn't know his ICP, right like that now informs me like he's not ready right now. I can still help him but he's probably not going to make a decision because he doesn't feel he's not ready, which is cool. I'm going to give him the resources that he needs today. And I'm going to help him today give him I gave him some some great tips as well. Like, I here's what I would do if I were you. So now he's got a set of action items. So once he actually figures out who he wants to sell to who is ICP is and then he realizes I still don't know how to start conversations with these people. Where do you think he's gonna go? He's gonna come talk to me again. So sorry, I'm like, going way off on a tangent here. But the idea is here I am actively tracking my leads. I am actively tracking all the information the source of where they're coming from and what they're telling me because all this stuff lets me know who I need to who I need to where my opportunities are today. And I'm tracking all the information for tomorrow for next month for next year. That is going to help me make better decisions in terms of my sales and marketing activities to continue to compound and improve my results from there.
I appreciate you going into all that because it just it paints the picture for people on the strategy that can go into this and why that would work. Like even though it's not going to work for every single person going through that. It is going to lead to a predictable result based on the system that you're creating. X amount of people in is going to equate to Y amount of people out it's just the way that is going to work right. And what I recommend people do from a health perspective on how to start pulling this off because there are people listening to this thinking like, How in the world do I do that like they're just trying to wrap their brain around it? I recommend people starting with questions that they regularly get asked in their industry that are challenging, challenging to others. So Dan, you had mentioned need challenge and interest and how often people that are expressing challenges to you. They're really hot prospects that are hot leads when they're they're expressing here are my challenges here are my challenges because you have something to fill that void to help her challenge. So if everyone listening really sat down and thought about it, you probably get asked the same time questions over and over and over again. Yep. regardless of what industry you're in, what are the questions? Figure that out? And now you have a foundation upon which you can start building stories out of so someone asks you this question, what is the video? What is the taxed like tax form? Content? What is an article you might be able to write about that question? What are all the different pieces of content surrounding that question? Then once you post that content, regardless of what the medium for that content is, whether it's video or text or an article, see the engagement that it gets, see the the people that are going to post different comments, see the likes and all the different things that you're gonna get from that. And now you could start doing what Dan's talking about. Now, you can set up this this system through through through a Google Sheets or a spreadsheet, where you can say, hey, this person had a comment on this piece of content I put out. So now you're going to send that person a message and say, you know thank you so much for engaging with my content. I see you went to school at such and such. I actually went to school about an hour away. Sort of conversation. That's based on what Dan you were talking about the Arctic casual conversations earlier. Highly recommend people check that out. And now you're going to start a conversation. And now you're going to direct them to at least opening up about the challenges that they have. And then you're going to be able to share different things based on them asking you on what you do. Is that around the lines of what we're talking about then regarding content to prospect to client
Yeah, exactly. So there's there's a lot of learning that can kind of happen in between that but great like I went into super high detail here and really when you like if you want to like right if you if what I told you is overwhelming and then cut it back right like just just start to listen, start to listen to why exactly like Matt said start to listen to what your your your leads your audience or prospects are telling you. If a post does not do well, then don't talk about that same topic. If it does, well then double down and continue to talk to it. When you book calls with people you start to have conversations with them, ask them what they care about, or you can take a market research approach to it like don't even try and sell them. Try and just hey, I'm genuinely trying to figure out like, like I work with a lot of people like you and I genuinely want to know like, what keeps you up at night like you ask those pain questions you try to understand and reverse engineer like what is going on? What your customers actually care about. That way you can continue to apply that and you don't need to track all this stuff to start you can eventually get that right like I'm on version nine of my tracker like this stuff that was not anywhere near as complicated as it is today as version one was. But if you literally just start the process of tracking your leads, it starts to build up this habit, it starts to build up this routine and starts to build the system that you can continue to improve and involve when you just start to go out there and willy nilly do stuff without tracking what you're doing and figuring out what's working, what's not working and actually documenting it so that we can come back and revisit it later. That's where you're going to you're never gonna make forward momentum. You're gonna get stuck spinning your wheels doing the same thing over and over again, because you don't have the data to tell you. I've tried this before and it didn't work out for me. Sure.
And also there are people listening to this that run large organizations where they may be thinking, I don't have time for this. Hire someone. I cannot tell you how many organizations I'll go into and I'll do a workshop for I'll speak to them, and they're pumping insane amount of money into ad dollars, but yet they still haven't caught on to the magic of LinkedIn. Hire someone to set up a system for you so that you can start doing this reach out to Dan Mott and have them set it up for this person. Right. So it's really really important to get this established within your company regardless of if you're a solopreneur or whether you're a CEO of 10s of 1000s of people it's absolutely critical that you as someone that is in tune with what's happening on LinkedIn so you can start this process. And if you have a large organization, you have a ton of stories to pull from you have tons and tons and tons of calm of content. You could be pushing out on your business page on LinkedIn. That prompts action prompts that engagement, and those are your hot leads that you are going to really actively go towards as prospects to flip the clients. So I appreciate you mentioning that damn, is there anything else outside of the different sheet that you're talking about that people should should recognize and be cognizant of?
Okay, my tracker is like 15 pages long so or it's got like 15 sheets and it's awesome. Right? There's I kind of I break them right you want to understand how the process works as a whole but then you do also have to go down into the nitty gritty right like, like my KPIs and my like, my goals I set monthly. So once a month, the first of the month I come in and I sit down I say what do I want to achieve this month? What do I want to achieve in terms of content views in terms of profile views in terms of downloads in terms of core sales in terms of meeting books in terms of close ratio, right like, what am I high level goals? What do I want to achieve? I'm looking at that once a month. Now when I go into like a week to week basis, I'm looking at my KPIs, my key performance indicators. I'm starting to break that same exact stuff down but in much more detail, right, like on a week to week basis, how many views how, you know, how are those views fluctuating from week to week? How many likes and comments and shares and how many posts that I post? What's the engagement rate? How many profile views like right like so I'm starting to look into much more detail of what's going on here. And then when I get into the day to day, the day to day is less is much less about metrics and much more about actual interaction. So like, I'm looking at my engagement tracker, which is like, I'm gonna post I batch my content so I do it every Monday and I have it scheduled to go out every single day. But if you're not doing that, then you should be posting a pic what you're going to you're going to do right commit to a number and do that. I post every day. I'm going to go comment on my own posts because there's a call to action strategy that you can use there that you can find out more about in my course or by working with me or just in other content where we have the time to get to that. So I'm gonna going to comment on my own posts. I'm going to reply to my open DMS because that is I'm working from I'm working from the Gaul backwards, right so people in my DMs are the closest to converting to leads and calls books. So I want to start there. So I'm going to engage in my DMs and I'm going to try and convert people into calls from there once I've gotten through all of my open available messages and I have no more leads to actually physically engage with today right now. I'm going to go back to do all the activities that then generate more leads for me so that's replying to comments on my last three posts that's accepting and messaging my connection requests messaging my profile views, and that's it going and engage with my tribe. So right like I break it down by my my monthly activities which are super high level goals, my weekly activities, which are detailed goals and tracking those metrics, and my daily activities, which are much more action based. It's the physical I'm going to do this I'm going to do that. The things that my metrics in my monthly and daily reporting, tell me get results.
Alright, so thank you for describing all that to us. I'm getting a sense that there are people listening that are feeling even more overwhelmed by everything that you just mentioned thinking, oh god, how do I do this? So and I appreciate you mentioning your course. So you have built a course that goes into everything that you're saying even more in depth, correct? Yes. All right. So what are some things that if for people that are feeling overwhelmed back to that challenge, they're feeling challenged right now and all right, I understand the why I understand the what I'm struggling with the how to pull all this together. If they're feeling overwhelmed, what are some things that they will learn from this course from an implementation perspective?
Sure. So it really like everything I teach revolves around the five principles of LinkedIn social selling, right so going back it's its audience. Its profile, its content, its engagement, and it's prospecting. So every every one of us is at a different stage in our LinkedIn journey. Every one of us has a different market. Everyone has every one of us has a different offer. Everyone has has different personality. There's a lot of factors that go in so it's really about identifying where is the biggest opportunity for me today, because this isn't, there's a lot in here, right? Like if you really want to get highly detailed, organized, and build a system that is going to build the like that is going to be predictable. Then you need to take it one step at a time, build it out slow. So you can accelerate that by working with me by going through my course. So it's about identifying where's my biggest opportunity? Where's the low hanging fruit? How can I optimize that? So in my course, I build it out. Second, I break it down into these five principles. And then within those principles, I have individual lessons. And those lessons are broken up into anywhere from five to nine modules and each of those modules are either a download a worksheet that you fill out information for, or it's a five minute video that you watch that explains what has happened, like why are you doing this? What is the need? Is this the right thing for you and how do you actually go about doing it? So it breaks it down and nice and easy for you to say, All right, well, what's my problem? Right now? I'm not generating enough leads. Okay, well, how am I going to figure out go get more leads. Awesome. Go look at the prospecting section and bread look at the lessons that are available to you and figure out what's gonna work best for you now, go consume that and go apply it. So I very much built my course in a way that's not like sit down and watch it from start to finish and don't and then do nothing with it, right? Go watch one lesson at a time. Go apply that and then don't come back for like a month. Like go spend a month applying it, figuring it out, breaking it, making it better and proving it and then now you figured you fixed your problem and you say Awesome, now I'm actually generating leads, but I suck at converting them into calls. Awesome. That's now your next lesson. Then you go to checkout. Sure,
sure. I appreciate you mentioned that. So what I will do make it extremely convenient for everyone. Everyone that's interested in checking out Dan's course I will include a link to the course in the show notes. But in addition, Dan, we covered a ton of stuff okay, we've covered a lot in this episode and the two previous episodes regarding the why, and the what for people that really want to learn a lot more about you your background, how you can help them with their challenges regarding LinkedIn, where are some places that they can go to connect with you?
Best Places right on LinkedIn, so send me a connection request DMA literally say so I say that you need to you need a reason to start a conversation with someone. Hey, Dan, I checked you out on on on mass podcast right like that is that you're either boom there you go. I've given your conversation started your icebreaker reason to connect with me. Obviously going to connect with you and start a conversation as opposed to thinking that you're going to pitch that man I'm going to write you off.
Awesome. Good advice. Sound Advice. I will include Dan's LinkedIn profile in the show notes. Highly, highly recommend connecting with Dan or following him on LinkedIn. I've learned so much from you, Dan, just following your content on LinkedIn. It's been incredible for me as a content creator in business and I appreciate the time you spent with us. Right now going into into the house kind of showing us behind the curtain different things that you've done with your data and the strategy and the systems and I really appreciate what you said. Having that repeatable system leads to predictable results and if people take what we've gone over with regarding the why the what and the how they're going to be able to start to see those predictable results come to life and their business. So I cannot thank you enough for your time. Thank you so much, Dan, for being with us.
Yeah, you bet man, you know, I love talking about it more than happy to do so any day of the week.

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