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…and scannable...

This is the content that LinkedIn loves.

Writing outstanding content is not even close to enough; you MUST optimize your posts to stand out.

Here are 7 tips to create scroll-stopping, scannable, and easy-to-read content on LinkedIn...

1) Use simple words

2) Write short sentences (they are easier to scan and understand)

3) Use short paragraphs

4) Use plenty of spacing in your writing so it's not "chunky"

5) Only use 3 hashtags per post. Do NOT overuse them!

6) Optimize your posts for mobile. Ask yourself, how does this read on a phone?

7) Make your content as easy to consume as possible.

*People are busy; they want to scan your posts!


P.S. if you're not posting on LinkedIn, you're missing out; the platform is a goldmine for lead-generation! 

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