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Who is that?!

15 years ago, I was at an event where I met  Terence Farrell for the first time. 

I saw people circling around him, shaking his hand, laughing, and sharing stories.

Naturally, my immediate thought was, "who is that?!"

I watched in amazement as I saw Terence "work the room" and shake every single hand in that ballroom. He had this ability to connect with everyone who came in his path. 

It would be years until I'd realize his impact on the community I lived in.

Terence Farrell is an extremely rare individual who relentlessly works to make the world around him a better place. 

It was an honor and privilege to have him on my podcast, Stories With Traction. 

I loved learning more about his parents, his vision, and his stories of leadership. 

I especially liked what he had to say about storytelling. 

Want to listen to the entire series with  Terence Farrell? Check it out here

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